War Intensifies in Syria Again: Whose Behind it?
War intensifies in Syria once again, the question is, who is behind it? What groups? What allies to those groups?
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For Context:
Syria has been dealing with fighting and chaos from this proxy war since 2011, but it’s greatly died down until the end of November 2024. “Syrian rebels” who are a collection of different terrorist groups from across the Muslim majority lands, members made up of demographics from Pakistan, Turkey, Chechnya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. launched a full assault on Syria and took multiple locations, starting with Aleppo.
The recent intensification of war between the “rebels” and Syria comes the day after the ceasefire is enforced between Lebanon and Israel.
If you want to know how Syria got like this, plagued by war and sanctions, I recommend my article “How The World Tried to Destroy Syria: They Lied About the War”, it’s realistically only a 20 minute read.
The Groups & Their Backers:
The groups involved are largely endorsed, supplied by, and even have members from two prominent regional states in particular: Turkey & Israel. The US may be involved even if they’ve denied it as their track record shows previous meddling. Not to mention the presence of an unidentified white military instructor that one of the prominent “rebel” leaders was conversating with. What’s suspicious is there is no information on this individual, and all search that might disclose who he is have been dead ends.
[Rumble: American Instructor Teaching FSA Terrorist General]
-The current list of the proxy groups fighting Syria is as follows:
Non-Takfiri Terrorist Groups: These groups are primarily composed of factions aligned with Turkey and operate under the umbrella of the Syrian National Army (SNA). They focus on territorial control under NATO and Turkey commands.
Syrian National Army (SNA):
1. First Corps:
Sultan Murad Division: Predominantly Foriegn Turkmen fighters. Active in northern Syria, especially Aleppo and Afrin.
Ninth Division: Composed of former Syrian army defectors. Operates in northern Aleppo countryside.
Sultan Mehmed Fatih Division: Named after the Ottoman conqueror of Constantinople. Engaged in Turkish-led operations with Foriegn fighters.
Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade: Known as "Al-Amshat," notorious for human rights abuses in Afrin.
Hamza Division: Active in Afrin and Al-Bab. Focused on securing Turkish-controlled zones.
2. Second Corps:
Al-Majd Brigade (Glory Brigade): Composed of various foriegn ethnic groups. Operates in Aleppo and Idlib.
Al-Hamza Division: Focuses on strategic areas in northern Syria.
Liwa Suqur al-Shamal (Northern Hawks Brigade): strongholds in northern Aleppo.
3. Third Corps:
Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya (Levant Front): The largest faction in the SNA. Active in Aleppo and Idlib regions. Includes former takfiri elements too.
Faylaq al-Majd (Glory Corps): Works closely with Turkish forces.
Ahrar al-Sharqiya: Primarily extremists from Deir ez-Zor. Accused of ethnic cleansing and looting in Kurdish areas.
Note: Today, FSA largely exists as part of the Syrian National Army (SNA), a Turkish-backed coalition that is focused on occupying northern Syria.
Takfiri/Wahhabi Terrorist Groups: They are divided into Al-Qaeda-affiliated factions, ISIS-linked groups, and other extremist organizations.
1. Takfiri Groups (Al-Qaeda Affiliated):
Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS): Formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra. HTS has played a significant role in the Syrian civil war, particularly in the northwest, including the Idlib region. Many former ISIS commanders are here now. Has a lot of Foriegn fighters.
Hurras al-Din (Guardians of Religion): The main Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria. Operates in Idlib and surrounding areas. Splinter group from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Mostly made of Foriegn fighters from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco.
Jabhat Ansar al-Din: This group has fought against Syrian government forces and rival rebel factions, especially in the Idlib region. It is less prominent than HTS or Huras al-Din but still plays an important role in the ongoing conflict.
Jund al-Malahim (Soldiers of Epics): Specializes in guerrilla tactics.
Jund al-Badiya (Soldiers of the Desert): Operates in desert regions.
Jund al-Tawheed (Soldiers of Monotheism): Focused on beheading "kafirs"
Saraya Kabul: Foriegn fighters.
Other Groups:
Ansar al-Sunna: Active in Aleppo and Idlib; ideologically rigid.
Ansar al-Islam: Small faction with mountainous strongholds.
2. Takfiri Groups (ISIS Affiliated):
Ansar al-Tawheed (Supporters of Monotheism): A key ISIS affiliate. Conducts attacks in Idlib and the Euphrates River Valley. Known for suicide bombings and ambushes.
Other Takfiri Groups:
Ezz al-Kavkaz (Mighty Caucasus): Composed of fighters from the Caucasus region, Ukraine and Balkan. Operates in northwestern Syria.
Jamaat Imam al-Bukhari: Central Asian fighters, primarily from Uzbekistan.
Analysis of Operations and Influence
1. Non-Takfiri Groups:
Goal: Territorial occupation, fighters salaries paid directly Turkey government.
Operations: Primarily focused in northern Syria, including Afrin, Al-Bab, and Azaz. Has large number of Foreign fighters from Central Asia and Caucasus.
Affiliations: Heavily dependent on Turkey for weapons, funding and logistical support.
2. Takfiri Groups:
Al-Qaeda Affiliates: Mostly Foriegn fighters from around globe. Paid by CIA and Mossad.
ISIS Affiliates: remains of ISIS
Operations: mostly in Idlib, the Euphrates River Valley, and the Syrian desert. Paid by CIA and Mossad.
-ResistanceTrench | t.me/ResistanceTrench
The groups involved are part of a wide network of Wahhabist & Salafist fundamentalists, many of them paid, trained, medically treated and militarily armed by the US, Israel, Turkey, KSA, and others. This returns us back to what US General Wesley Clark said about how ISIS was started:
“Look, ISIS got started through funding from our friends & allies; because people will tell you in the region, if you want someone who’ll fight to the death against Hezbollah. You don’t put out a recruiting poster saying “sign up with us, we’re going to make a better world.” You go after zealots, and you go after these religious fundamentalists. That’s who fights Hezbollah”
These proxies are incredibly racist, violent fascists who, when the war got started originally back in 2011, was targeting & ethnically cleansing ethnic and religious minorities along with supporters of the Syrian government. These groups want to seize control of Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon and to purge the groups they hate most. Right after the recent occupation of Aleppo (November 29th, 2024), they even dropped a propaganda video boasting their aims on how they’ll take Iran after they take Syria.
Well, all the groups except Israel and the US, would be too obvious, as if it isn’t already.
-It’s been long understood from collected evidence that the US & Israel are two of the biggest known supporters of these proxies, especially FSA & ISIS, who is connected in this anti-Assad network:
[Rumble: US Admits to Arming & Using ISIS]
[Rumble: Israel & Mossad use ISIS & FSA]
What’s Happened Since the Intensification:
Almost immediately after Aleppo fell and the Syrians did a strategic retreat, the “rebel” occupied regions came under joint Syrian-Russian air strikes and artillery fire. These joint strikes are very successful, in fact, that December 1st, PressTV reported that the joint airstrikes took out 320 terrorists in Idlib, Hama & Aleppo in 24 hours.
Covering a summary of recent events from November 27th to December 2nd, the recent increase in terrorist proxy activity has drawn support from most regional players in the Axis of Resistance. Hezbollah is most likely staying out of the conflict due to its weakened state after full war with Israel; however munitions, air support and even some platoons from Russia, Iran and Iraq are moving into Syria to assist in pushing against the proxy groups.
Looking at the maps we can see that the Syrian government still maintains most of the regions control, but the North point where the “rebel” controlled border connects to Turkey is under extreme fighting.
Shortly after taking Aleppo, the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) did an interview with the Israeli News station where they thanked Israel for weakening Hezbollah in order to make this possible. Similarly, earlier, ISIS declared open hostility with Hamas and support for Israel’s war on Gaza.
[Rumble: “Syrian Rebels” thank Israel for attacking & weakening Hezbollah]
Since Syria is a home to multiple ethnic and religious groups, and acknowledging the proxy terrorist’s hate for those groups, it was captured where terrorists was destroying Christmas decorations in Christian communities that fell to the proxy’s after the intensification.
[Rumble: “Syrian Rebels” destroying Christmas decorations in Christian communities in Syria]
Some of the terrorists got caught on November 30th and the Syrian military interrogated them. The answers they gave was very interesting. Apparently some, maybe even a lot, of the forces fighting in Northern Syria are fresh recruits or mercenaries who are being paid by Turkey 10,000 Lira (or $288 US dollars) a day to fight the Syrian government. They also confirm that Turkish soldiers and officers are directly involved in some combat zones, and that Turkey is probably allies with Al-Nusra, an Al-Qaeda affiliate.
[Rumble: “Rebels” paid $288 (10k Lihra) a day to fight Syria]
November 29th, the same day Aleppo came under assault by the terrorist groups, dozens of pagers and walkie talkies exploded among members of the Syrian Arab Army (branch of the Syrian government military).
Of course they’re Ataturk fans. It’s always Westernization and Euro-centrism with these false saviors.
Ultimately, the rebels are being heavily pushed back by the Axis of Resistance at this current time.
Success completely depends on the careful calculations and execution of military strategies & advance by Syria with the help of Russia, Iran and Iraq.
Glory to the Axis of Resistance.
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What is coming is the theft of south Lebanon , the depopulation of Gaza and the annexation of West Bank and probably loss of Syrian territory . Muslims MUST wake up before it’s too late . Armageddon is almost upon the Middle East
Can’t rely on Russia … they were happy to see the Iranian support burn under Israeli bombardments over the last few years . It’s Muslims together or not at all . No 1 priority has to be stamp out this sectarian fitna and concentrate on the true threat looming - the Greater Israel project . This is its best chance in decades for a huge grab of Arab lands . If it is not resisted the Islamic world is on a permanent trajectory of decline . Overcoming sectarianism is critical