Islamic.Socialist Analysis
Islamic.Socialist Podcast
America: A Terrorist State Controlled by the Wealthy Elite

America: A Terrorist State Controlled by the Wealthy Elite

The Ultimate Red Pill Audio: Covering the horrors the US government, the wealthy, and the deep state have committed against their own people and the world.

Source List:

Not a complete list of everything covered, but covers most.

12 million natives killed in the current US territory from 1492-1900

12.5 million Africans enslaved, 10.7 million survived

100k Asians enslaved

History of union busting in the United States

Political repression in the United States

Labor-related violence in the United States

Labor history of the United States

The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide

Military bases around the world (Map)

US openly admitted that it runs 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world, including 26 in Ukraine.

School of the America's, South American regime change institution

Ex-ISIS chief appointed as commander of US-backed militia in Syria

OPCW identifies ISIL as perpetrators of 2015 chemical attack in Marea, Syria

1 million dead from Iraq War

Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

Obama-led Drone strikes kill innocents 90% of the time - Afghanistan

Operation Gideon

Blackwater in Iraq

“Prior to the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq, US and other western oil companies were all but completely shut out of Iraq’s oil market,” oil industry analyst Antonia Juhasz told Al Jazeera. “But thanks to the invasion and occupation, the companies are now back inside Iraq and producing oil there for the first time since being forced out of the country in 1973.”


List of United States presidential elections in which the winner lost the popular vote

Elites, Interest Groups, vs Average Citizens - passing policy

The American move towards Fascism

Microplastics May Be a Significant Cause of Male Infertility

If the current global sperm count trend continues, it will reach zero by 2045

Price gouging

Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits

100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions

US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries

A person flying on a private plane emits 10 to 20 times as much carbon pollution as a commercial airline passenger

Just 37 years ago, there were 50 companies in charge of most American media. Now, 90% of the media in the United States is controlled by just six corporations

Operation Hollywood - How the Pentagon & CIA took over Hollywood

Pentagon board to make the Bush Admin. look good

Articles on indentity politics increase after 2008 financial crisis

List of companies (US included) involved with Nazi Germany

"In December 1941, when the United States entered the war against Germany, 250 American firms owned more than $450 million of German assets. Major American companies with investments in Germany included General Motors, Standard Oil, IT&T, Singer, International Harvester, Eastman Kodak, Gillette, Coca-Cola, Kraft, Westinghouse, and United Fruit."

Operation Paperclip - How the US saved Nazis for NASA, NSA, NATO, EU, and West Germany

The former Nazis who founded NATO

West German government is full of Nazis saved from Operation Paperclip to fight Communism

How American Racism Influenced Hitler

The American Cover Up of Imperial Japanese Unit 731

The US in Cuba: a history of organised crime

Operation Northwoods - The CIA plan to attack Americans and blame Cuba


Assassinations of Ferguson activists of The Movement

How BLM was a front by the liberal establishment to replace The Movement

The New Left

Frankfurt School & anti-communism

Edgar Hoover declared, "the Black Panther Party, without question, represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country"

COINTELPRO Informant who got Hampton assassinated

FBI records expose how they spied on and attacked the Black Panthers

How the Police assassinated Fred Hampton

MLK Jr. family won against the government in lawsuit relating to MLK's death, the conspiracy to kill MLK.

The 1985 MOVE Bombing - how the Philadelphia Police Department destroyed a neighborhood

The 1927 destruction of Black Wall Street

The class & financial characteristics of Fascism

Sanctions are a form of collective punishment.

US bullies other countries into US dollar supremacy

Whistleblower says: the US is middleman in a multi-billion dollar human trafficking operation targeting unaccompanied minors at the southern border

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